Welcome to Lisa Nolan’s NEW Confessions of a Montessori Mom blog!

Confessions of a Montessori Mom was created by Lisa Nolan, a 3 to 6 and 6 to 9 Montessori-trained teacher with 30 years of experience, so she could answer pressing questions about Montessori, homeschooling, and parenting. Now you can access her 2-to-5-year Montessori lessons FOR FREE when you become a member!

How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Simone Davies of The Montessori Notebook
book reviews, language, Parenting FAQs Lisa Nolan book reviews, language, Parenting FAQs Lisa Nolan

How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Simone Davies of The Montessori Notebook

How to talk with children is a lesson we all seem to need. Even as infants they learn from how and what we say to them. We are thrilled to have Simone Davies back with us to walk us through the How2Talk2Kids method of communicating with our children.

It’s a pleasure to be back guest blogging here. I love the energy of this group and your passion and interest in incorporating Montessori into your homes.

I’m exactly the same. When my children were born...

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My Montessori Lessons

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